Friday 10 December 2010

Diet Coke - Heart Truth Design

How awesome is this design! Diet coke is targeted at health conscious women, like myself. During the summer holidays I was in the caribbean sailing. I came across a can of diet coke with a lovely illustration on it, I just fell in love with it. I like the simplicity of the design, the silhouette of the figure and the eye catching big red heart. I also like how it has only used black and red to tie in with the diet coke colour palette. The black and red look great and really stand out on the silver background.

While I was on holiday there I noticed that a lot of the packaging communicated the importance of a healthy heart, eg on their butters and cheeses. I presume most of their food products are imported from the USA. It is interesting to see what countries choose to display on the food packaging. In the UK we focus more on cholesterol issues.

I have done some more research into this campaign and found two adverts that court my eye that are part of the campaign. The charm of the illustrations really come to life in the animations and I love the music they have chosen. The short adverts really made me smile, but at the same time makes me aware of keeping myself healthy and fit.

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